Technical spec
lt has the same function and performance as the big dyeing machine for mass production
With high efcienoy, high performance centrifugal pump
The dyeing technique iS Suitable for same model of big dyeing machine
Flexible 1oading, it can change the capacity from 1-3,4-6 package yarns without changing the1iquor ratio.
lt can be controlled both by auto and semi-auto acoording to customer's needs.
Max,working pressure: 0.4Mpa.
Max.workirllgtem1:1erature: 140 C
Heating rate: 20-130C abou1 30 minutes ISaturated steam pressure 0.7Mpa)
Coo1ing rate: 130-80ºC about 20 minutes (cooling water pressure 0.3Mpa)
Standard spindle dia is 48mm, the 29mm triangle spindle is only for6 layers package or be1ow.
Standard package size is 165mm·h160mm, the max. capacity is calculated according to that every package is 1 kg.